Things to consider when choosing new technology or software in enterprise

There are few things that we can use as standar for choosing or adopting new technology in our company.

The List

We gave each team a list of features to look for in their assigned templating solution. The idea was to fill out a score, from one (poor) to five (excellent), for each item:

  1. DRY: how DRY is the the technology? is there support for code-reuse and partials?
  2. i18n: is there support for translations and multiple languages?
  3. Hot reload: are changes visible immediately or is there a compile/deploy cycle?
  4. Performance: how long does it take to render in the browser and server?
  5. Ramp-up time: how is the learning curve?
  6. Ramped-up productivity: once you’ve ramped-up, how fast can you build things?
  7. Server/client support: can support both client-side and server-side?
  8. Community: is there an active community using this project? Can you google issues?
  9. Library agnostic: are there dependencies on other libraries?
  10. Testable: how hard is it to write unit and integration tests?
  11. Debuggable: is it possible to step through the code while it’s running to track down errors?
  12. Editor support: is there an editor with auto-complete, syntax highlighting, error checking, etc?
  13. Maturity: is this a relatively stable project or still experimenting and churning?
  14. Documentation: how is the documentation?
  15. Code documentation: do the software encourage/require documentation/comments?

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