Setup working environment Blackberry in Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Develop Blackberry application under Windows is easy rather with Mac OS X. Again, I only develop application under Linux or Mac OS X. To setup and develop blackberry application in Mac OS X is need a patience. Here are the step to do:

1. Download and Install Latest Xcode
We need Xcode installed eventhough Blackberry may have their own JDE.
Keep with safe belt which it will make us far away from headache.

2. Install Blackberry SDK
Go to and download that 400MB JDE files. Actually files contain Eclipse and Blackberry plugin for Mac OS X integrated. So, yes, it’s no need to download eclipse. You will need to install Akamai downloader before downloading this.

3. Create a new Project in Blackberry Eclipse SDK
After you open Eclipse-Blackberry SDK, then we can start creating new Project.
Select New Project -> Project -> Blackberry -> Blackberry Project.
You will see two files inside src.

4. Setup blackberry simulator in Mac OS X
I just kidding, you need a real blackberry to running your program because Blackberry doesn’t support simulator for Mac OS X. So, just plug your Blackberry using USB. Make sure Blackberry Desktop Manager not running or you should close this because it will interfere with eclipse debugger.

5. Setup Debugger
There are two way, you can go to Run -> Debug Configuration and select your USB devices. Or just right click into your project folder and set “Debug As” -> Blackberry Device.

6. Running your program.
Moment of truth! Just run debug and you will running your program into your blackberry. If you see “net_rim_bb_qm_peer .debug missing” problem, just click “Don’t ask this again”.

Now you can start to develop a blackberry app 🙂

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